An Invisible Tether

Standing in a line, he steps in front of me to block the shot of a gun.

I shook awake. A solid tear coming from my eye. I spent the next few hours reaching over to check that he was still there next to me in bed, that his heart was still beating. The first dream I’ve had about my husband being taken from this world. Taken from me…..

I pray you know love. Goodness, do I know love. When asked my greatest fear, no doubt it would be losing my husband. Never will I find someone again in this lifetime with the connection, the understanding of me, and who I am. When the Lord designed my soul mate he was perfectly crafted for me and my heart. He is here, with me and the fortune I feel to have him can never be illustrated.

Love is described as an “invisible tether, and no matter how far away you are you can always feel them.” I sense my husband. The moment he’s angry with my for filling the trash can to much, the moment he wants to leave a gathering and go home, the mornings he wakes up and needs coffee. And all the more important flashes in time that can only be known by me.

The years… the occasions…. the countless minutes of time, spent talking and learning about one another. Every one of them entangles the roots further into the soil. It connects with another root until eventually you are a strong and mighty tree.

We were married so young, at the ages of 18 and 22. At the time I knew I loved him but I didn’t know the depths of how much I could love him in our lives together. We struggled, but it was the toiling that led us to becoming a solid tree that bears fruit.

I catch myself staring…. Time and time again, just gazing at the beautiful man, made for me. He doesn’t always know it. It could be while he’s reading a story to one of our children, driving in the car, unloading the groceries. But during that time I think, “he’s my love.” And just as many times I feel annoyed and frustrated with him. I have a love moment, that reminds me that the irritable times fade but my passion for him stays the same.

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